Don't Miss out!

Early bird expires June 30th. Sessions begin July 11th.

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Pricing options

These are early bird prices. This offer expires June 30th.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Instructions

    1. Schedule

    1. Zoom link

    1. Lab 1: Exploring your purpose

    2. Lab 2: Defining Your Metron

    3. Lab 3: Defining Your Greater Works

    1. Replay: Session 1- Exploring your purpose

    2. Replay: Session 2- Defining your metron

    3. Replay: Session 3- Defining the greater works

About this course

  • 2 x $42.50
  • 10 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

About these labs:

These labs are a group setting to help you process your purpose, sphere of influence and greater works through a company of people who are exploring the same realms as you are. Fiorella will be in the midst of the process guiding the lab, answering questions, creating activation spaces, and giving feedback to the unique flow that unfolds in these lab settings.

  • you will learn how to identify and define your purpose.

  • you will learn how to define and unlock your sphere of influence or metron.

  • you will learn to define the Greater Works that energize your purpose.

All the details about course

online platform, schedule, and replays

  • Platform

    All live sessions are via zoom. Links are posted in your dashboard.

  • Schedule

    July 11, 12, & 13th @ 7pm- 8:30pm CST

  • Replays

    Replays are available for lifetime use. These will be posted every evening a few hours after the labs.


  • Do I have to have taken the Dominion Workshop before signing up for the labs?

    No, it is not absolutely necessary. The labs are broken down in ways that you will be able to digest and engage the full process. The Dominion Workshop would be a great supplement for deeper context but not absolutely necessary.

  • How do I access the content?

    As soon as you sign up, you can sign in and access your dashboard where all the links, detailed schedule and instructions are posted. Emails will be sent closer to the date of the labs with the links for the zoom sessions. But you can access all this immediately as soon as you sign up.