
Join us now!


Here is what is included with your subscription!

  • 1 monthly Live Broadcast with Fiorella Giordano

  • 3 monthly pre-recorded audio meditations.

  • 1 monthly Group Zoom Meetings- with your team leader

  • Access to all replays: Fiorella's monthly sessions and your teams sessions.

  • Growing video library of teachings

  • Access to Discord Community where further discussion takes place.

  • Access to growing New Era Glossary handbook.

How does this work?

Here is the skinny of how it all works

  • 1

    Once you sign up you can access the subscription and read up on the intro, schedule and on ramping info. You will also receive an email asking you what group you want to join, and if you want to join the Discord channel (Discord is optional).

  • 2

    Once you pick your group, you will receive an email from your instructor welcoming you and letting you know of schedule for their group sessions.

  • 3

    All replays, Glossary, Schedule, and Zoom links are posted on your Dashboard, which you can access once you subscribe and sign in.


These are the 3 groups that are currently available

  • 2052 Birthgate

    Group Leader: Saharh Burke

  • Witty Innovations

    Nicolas Acuna

  • Unlocking Singularities

    Marcy Wujkowski