Early Bird Countdown timer

Early bird offer expires Oct 17th

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Course Content

This is the main course content for the Eternology track included in all 3 subscriptions, bronze, silver, and gold.

  • Realms of Zion

  • Eternal Substance

  • Book of Generations: Ancient Ruins, former desolations, breaches, rebuilding cities & economies

  • Ancient Boundary Stones: Space-time Dimensions

  • Ancient Paths, The ways of God and Heavenly Grids

  • Ancient Gateways

  • Partnering with Creation and Geo zones

  • Ancient days, years, and the Eternal continuum

Gold Mentorship Exclusive Content

This exclusive content is a total of 6 extra sessions.

  • Connecting and unlocking your Eternal Identity

  • Unpacking the God Era

  • Godwardness- unpacking its multifaceted lenses.

  • Unpacking the God Era graces: The Doxymath, Dimensionalist, Linguist, and Infiniteer

  • Discovering your role and frontier in the God Era

  • Developing and enacting your destiny in the measure of God


  • Where are the live sessions at?

    All live sessions will be via zoom video. Link will be supplied a week before track begins.

  • If I miss live session, will I be able to watch replay?

    Yes! all replays will be available on your thinktific platform the next day. You will be able to access the replays on demand.

  • Are there refunds?

    no refunds.

  • How do I access the workbook?

    The workbook pdf file will be posted on your thinktific platform on Dec 6th. you can download the file on your device or print it out.